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How a Household Assistant Transformed a Busy Entrepreneur’s Home and Life

Read this story about the life-changing impact of a household assistant.

The weight of household chores and home projects that never get off the ground is stressful—and frustrating. When you spend evenings and weekends doing laundry, running errands, and tackling other chores, there’s little time left for the things that matter most.

That was Libby Wagner’s story before she began working with a household assistant. In Chores and Beyond: A Case Study Exploring the Full Potential of What a Household Assistant Can Do for You, learn about the incredible impact a household assistant had on Libby and her home. 

You’ll discover:

  • How Libby determined a household assistant was right for her
  • The household chores her household assistant manages year-round
  • The dream projects Libby completed with help from her assistant
  • How a household assistant helped Libby dedicate more time to her business and other passions

Fill out the form below to download "Chores and Beyond: A Case Study Exploring the Full Potential of What a Household Assistant Can Do for You."

“The truth is, the quality of my life has improved by having this because I’m able to spend the time I need to on my business, which is a lot, and then I get to enjoy my home and my life and the precious unstructured time that I have not taken up with doing errands and chores.”
